Monday, April 11, 2011

Celebration of Work

Last Saturday 12/03/11 our team decide to having a lunch outside.. its not really hard to find a nice halal food in here..

1 of them is Sarpino's Pizzeria..
this place is situated at Sangkat Beung Rang and launch on 15/01/11.. its was launched by several people from Malaysia as this company was brought by a Malaysian people... as we heard this is halal pizza for anyone craving for a nice halal pizza..

so we heading to there around 3PM.. it was windy and cloudy day.. might be raining but we eager to go there regardless any weather condition..
we go there to celebrate our 3 months together working as a team.. so we ( Faisal, Idris, Aidil, Ikhsan) and Fateha a member from website team heading there for a little celebration together. this little celebration is to remind us about our working days together and to boosting up our mood for oncoming presentation..

The Front View of the Shop

The pizza picture.. yummy rite?

Click Here For More Pictures

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