Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Welcome to Cambodia!
We gathered at the LCCT airport by 5 AM as our flight was scheduled at 7.05 AM. Everyone didn’t get enough sleep because they felt very excited but nervous. To think about it again, we will be staying out of Malaysia for four months! After all the hugs and goodbyes with our families, we march into the departure gate with high spirit without knowing what we will face in Cambodia.
Besides us five, there were three lecturers assisting us; Mr Shan, Mr. Zahdi and Mdm Herny. There were also three final year students following us on the same flight; Bukhari, Luqman and Junaidah. We were so thrilled when the plane took off and enjoyed ourselves throughout the flight. It was about nearly two hours before we landed at Phnom Penh airport.
Goodbye Malaysia

The happy faces

After we checked out of the airport and as we step out of the airport building, we can feel the Cambodian breeze coming through our body. The sky was clear and the weather here was similar to a sunny day in Malaysia. Then we started to feel unfamiliar when we saw the Khmer characters written on every signboard at the airport. We realize that we are not in Malaysia anymore.

Outside the airport we gathered for a short briefing and took some photos before the Asia Hotel’s van arrive to take us all to the hotel. At the Asia Hotel, the lecturers and the senior students checked in for accommodation. They stayed here for only three days before they return back to Malaysia. 
In the next post, we will update more about our first few days in Cambodia. Please keep on following our blog. Thank you.
Lecturers, FYP student and US :)

5 Great Students

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