Sunday, March 31, 2013

FYP presentation in RUA

On 18th March 2013, final year project presentation by UniKL's students was held for the first time in Royal University of Agriculture Cambodia. 10 students that has been doing Cambodia based project for their FYP presented in front of 4 accessors which are Dr. Hamidon Katan from UniKL, Dr. Seng Mom, Mr Lor Lytour and Miss Dok Pheakdey from RUA. The 10 students who presented and their fyp titles are:

1 Arief Haikal Bin Mohd Zin-Linux-Based Secure Hotspot Using Radius with Registration Fee Payment System

2 Norhanani Binti Zulkefli- Linux-Based Secure Hotspot Using Radius with Registration Fee Payment System

3 Wan Afaidhi Raimie Bin Wan Abd Rahman-Mobile Application for Good Agriculture Practice

4 Syazana Binti Noordin-Mobile Application for Good Agriculture Practice

5 Razip Bin Ismail-Securing Agricultural Marketing Information System in Cambodia 

6 Nurmashidah binti Mohd Aminudin-E-Learning Solution of Good Agricultural Practices for Student of Higher Learning

7 Zakina Binti Zanin-Interactive Website Portal Mr. Shanmuga Vivekananda

8 Roszalina binti Mohamed Anuar-Training and Event Management Application

9 Siti Noor Darwini Mohamad- SMS Service System in Cambodia for Better Information Exchange

10 Amir Taufiq bin Amirudin-E-Learning Solution of Good Agricultural Practices for Student of Higher Learning

11 Nurul Azma Binti Mansor-Interactive Training Module

The presentation went smoothly and finished around 1 pm.

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