Thursday, January 23, 2014

Adieu Cambodia

One night before our departure back to Malaysia, we decided to throw our landlord who had been so dear to us, Bong Manith and her family a farewell party. It had been exactly four months since the day we arrived in Phnom Penh city and stayed in Bong’s house, so we somehow felt obligated to treat and repay her and her family for their kindness.

The feast began at 7pm. We started preparing for the food a couple hours earlier. All of us took part in cooking and cleaning. We decided to give Bong and her family a change of taste as we teamed up to make some of the famous Malaysian food, nasi lemak with sambal sardine, nasi himpit with kuah kacang, and fried mee, our local favourites. Bong and her family prepared some local fruits for dessert and drinks too.

 Malaysian food in Phnom Penh city

 Enjoying food while exchanging stories with Bong

 Reminiscing wonderful memories with Bong and family

 Sing along session with Bong Rudy after eating

Four months seemed to pass too quickly for us. Time flies when you’re having fun, its true what they say. Some of us even shed one or two tears as we reminisced our time here in Cambodia with Bong and her family. 

“Everybody has to leave, everybody has to leave their home and come back so they can love it again for all new reasons.” 

Quoted from Donald Miller, we are now realized what home means to us. Going to Cambodia was a once in a lifetime experience and we are glad we didn’t let the golden opportunity goes to waste. Returning back to Malaysia after four months of hardship in Cambodia had made us experience and view things in different perspectives now. Cambodia may have been a dear home for us for a short period of time, but Malaysia will always be in our heart. Thank you Unikl for opening new window for us hence making us better individuals.

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