Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Night in Cambodia

Hello readers , glad that you all have time to come to this blog . Really appreciate it . I will story about Night in Cambodia , what we do and where we go . There is some interest place you can go in the night . But some advice for you about night in Cambodia , if you want to go out it is better to go out early and comeback around 10.00 PM because after that they will many people who are drunk and not safe for people like foreigner to stay outside. 


Riverside at night is very happening because there are many foreigner like to hangout here at the Bar and Boat . Also , the Royal Palace at night is very bright and shiny. There also Restaurant Boat. Let the picture tell the story ...

Night Market

In Malaysia we have flea market like Downtown and Uptown , same like here but they call this place Night Market and I'm not sure how to pronounce in Khmer. They sell shirt , jeans , jacket and many more also there are food court but a little bit different than Uptown and Downtown because the people sit at the ground that have mat without table and chairs.

Tutti Frutti

Before we go back we decided to go to the Tutti Frutti because one of us is craving and ice cream. So after done all our activity we decided to go back around 9.30 PM because we have been advice to come back early.

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