Monday, February 17, 2014

Leisure Time In Phnom Penh

12 Feb, Wed

During this sunny day, some of us has visited Toul Tom Pong Market, also known as Russian Market. It's a very busy market, with narrow and crowded space. However, it's a magnificent and we enjoyed browsing the maze-market. There's a variety of collections such as souvenir, scarf, bag, pant and many more. Some of the shop owner can speak Malay. It's easy for us to deal and bargain. Inside there also have wet market, where we can get groceries for household. Hungry? No worries. There's KFC outside near the market.

13 Feb, Thurs

Our routine activity on Malam Jumaat, we held together a Yassin Reciting after solat Maghrib. It is very good for us to strengthen our silaturrahim  and to simplify all things we're doing in this world and Hereafter :)

14 Feb, Fri

14 February, it's a public holiday here. Not Valentine's Day, but it's Meak Bochea Day. It is important religious festival observed by Buddhist in Cambodia. It celebrated on full moon of the third lunar month.
We spent time our cuti day by having lunch at a restaurant in front of the Mosque Al-Jamee Al-Islami. The name of the restaurant is Leston Paris Halal Restaurant. This restaurant famous with their Vietnam coffee and mee hoon soup. It's very tasty and worthwhile. And most important, it's halal! :D

16 Feb, Sun

We were invited by Colonel Haji Adnan to river cruising at Mekong / Tonle Sap river. We boarded the cruise at 5.45 PM. It takes about an hour to cruising the Mekong and Tonle Sap river. We really enjoyed viewing the beautiful scenery. It's a best experience ever we had since we arrived in Cambodia.

Updated by:
RUA Project Group ^^

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