Monday, February 17, 2014

RUA (Project Group) Activity

     Assalamualaikum wbt. We are the 5 members of RUA Project Group had been to Tuk Viel village on 13th February 2014. Our project is to make a corporate video about Savings Group for farmers in Cambodia (Agriculture industry). Our first visit to Tuk Viel village is to introduce and observe the Savings Group's activity and how they managed the meeting. It takes about 1 hour and half to arrived at the village by Tuk-tuk. We also bring together 2 translators with us, Sophia and Pana. When the meeting started, we straight away take a few pictures and some footages for our corporate video. Below are the pictures when the meeting take placed. Pictures tell thousands story =) 

Our supervisor, Neda Yousefian 

It must be something there.. haaa ! 

When the meeting takes place

Photo session with the Savings Group members

On our way back to Phnom Penh. We ate our lunch on Tuk-tuk =D

** Before we go back to our home, one of the Savings Group members gave us about 5 kg of salads and          sugar cane juices for free. Aukun chran om =) 

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