Friday, February 14, 2014

Welcome Dinner with FA and MAFF boss

15th February 2014
Phsar Deum Thkov, Phnom Penh.
(fefeeling ala ala gaya sebagai seorang blogger)

Cerita yang hendak disampaikan ini sebenarnya telah basi namun masih ingin dikongsikan juga (haha). This is the story from FA (Forestry Administration) and MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) team. We were invited to have a dinner with our boss from each institution at Mlob Svay Thom Tmey Restaurant (read: Mango Tree Restaurant). This restaurant located at river side of Sungai Mekong. Kinda creepy place actually but the food was very super duper delicious. You can called us as a team of tank because we ate all of the menu without any hesitation (haha). The adventure to arrive at this restaurant was cool enough because we had to cross the river of mekong but our tuktuk was overloaded. We thought that we had to "tolak the tuktuk" pretty much, and miracle was in our side. We definitely crossed the river with full of laugh (read: yeah ! we did it. haha). So, there is the pictures of the menu we had on that day. Please be jealous. Enjoy ! =)

 From left : Yana, Jannah and Farhan (FA Team) Nad and Nisa (MAFF Team) : waiting for Mr. Black (read : selfie ~ )

 Udang rebus : Belum sempat makanan lain sampai, udang dah habis dulu.

 This is 'Mee Kemboja' : rupa macam mee hoon tapi rasa macam kueh tiaw

 Sauce : tak tahu specific nama but super duper sedap ! (marvelous)

 Kalau dah makan kat tepi sungai mekong ni if takde ikan steam or seangkatan dengannya tak sah la kan. But ikan ni kami tak tahu apa nama dia. (hai ikan)

 Santapan/saringan : tomato + pudina and salad.

Yaaa ! Our boss. From left, of cause Dr. Hamidon, Mr. Saret and Mr. Prum Somany. (Black, we don't have your picture. heee sorry)

Muka gembira menjamah makanan

 Main course : Sotong goreng tepung

 Mee Hoon Ketam : ada orang makan sampai tak tengok orang lain dia punya penangan sedap dan kelazatan ketam tersebut =)

 Cambodian Soup : ikan + ayam + pisang + labu + peria + terung + bawang :: pelik rasanya -_-"

 Puding kelapa

 Nenas yang sangat manis.

 As a kenang kenangan, took a picture in front of the restaurant. Thanks for the food by the way.

Updated by : Nadiah + Jannah

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